HALO’s unique design is also patented… it’s much bigger, wraps around top and bottom to a maximum rear depth of almost 100mm to improve room isolation and absorption without dominating the room sound. Its textured and wave-formed surface also helps diffuse direct sound. Market research revealed that many people have a hard time with getting a good performance when using other reflection filters because they are not very ‘creative-friendly’ environments. The HALO’s form and colour scheme is designed to create a more ‘organic-feeling’ space for the performer to work with. The combination of radically improved performance in almost every area of currently available technology, while paying special attention to both the green credentials of our manufacturing (as with our mic packaging which is 100% recyclable and 84% recycled material), and to the creative element that the artist requires in their performance environment to get the best form every take, makes, in our opinion, the very best possible solution for portable room acoustics available today.